Many prospective Pomsky owners would like to know what kind of personality and temperament their new puppy will have in their home.
This is a very important question. After all, you are adding another living creature to your household and effectively making a 10-15 years commitment. It is important that you get this decision right.
Here is the straight up truth about what kind of behavior and personality a Pomeranian-husky mixed breed dog will have:
…nobody truly knows and if anyone, including a breeder of Pomskies, tell you otherwise they are lying.
Designer Dogs Breeds vs Pure Breeds
There is a fundamental point you must understand as you research whether or not the Pomsky is the right fit for your home and your budget.
Pure breed dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club and other reputable bodies have a standard for each breed that must be met by professional and trustworthy breeders. These standards include temperament and personality guidelines or tendencies.
After many decades of breeding within each breed, it is possible to characterize and describe the personality a certain breed of dog will have during its lifespan. If you are familiar with any specific dog breed you will know that that breed exhibits certain qualities or traits.
You might not have thought of it this way, but the reason you know how a certain breed will behave or how it will look when it is a full grown adult dog is due to the fact that there have been generations and generations of breeding over decades and centuries and thus there is a history to fall back on.
There is no such thing when it comes to the Pomsky.
You can’t simply say a Pomsky will have half the personality of a Pomeranian and half the personality of a Siberian Husky.
Similarly to how we discussed the full grown size, height and weight of Pomskies in other areas of this site, much of the same logic applies to temperament.
Because a Pomsky should have two pure breed parents with known personality and temperament profiles, we should be able to derive an expected range for their temperament. But, again…this is all just a crapshoot.
So, let’s discuss the personality and temperament of the Pomskies parental breeds.
Temperament of the Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is highly valued not only for its exceptional physical beauty but for its wonderful personality traits and temperament as well. Possessing exceptional intelligence, ability to receive training from owners and handlers, canine fans have long prized their “loquaciousness, boundless energy, playful mischievousness.”
Unlike the yappy and often annoying Pomeranians, the Siberian Husky is known for its ability to interact with adults, children, strangers and other pets in households with minimal disruption.
Huskies are pack animals and require a strong, dominant owner. Weak owners incapable of setting a proper structure in the home will struggle to enjoy and appreciate their animal. Also, huskies require lots of energy from their handler as they need quite a bit of exercise and stimulation.
Owners who deny their husky opportunities to release this energy or get the mental stimulation they need often find themselves dealing with destructive, ill-mannered canines.
Temperament of the Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is an incredibly active and ambitious dog breed that is in many ways similar to the Siberian Husky.
They are energetic, curious, and extremely conscious of their surroundings and the people around them. Just like huskies, Pomeranians need dominant owners otherwise you will get the small dog Napoleon Complex that is so prevalent with these pooches.
Many people cannot stand Pomeranians and think they are annoying little rat dogs who run wild all over the house. This is primarily due to poor ownership practices. Owners often indulge their Pomeranians or fail to set the proper hierarchy and structure at home when they first get their Pom.
Once these negative tendencies are set at an early age, it is hard for the owner to fix it later.
Remember, the rules and structure you set in place when you bring your puppy home will shape how your pet will behave throughout the rest of their life.
Like the Husky, Pomeranians are very verbal. They have been described as being “chirpy” or “shrill” and that is on the polite end of the spectrum. On the internet and in personal conversations, you will hear a lot of people express disdain and annoyance for the breed due to some owners who allow their dog to bark unceasingly.
As mentioned above, you will need to have a dominant and strong manner about you if you want to keep huskies and Pomeranians in line.
One of the major differences with the Pomeranian is that it can be a ferociously protective guard dog despite its small stature. As every bit aware of their surroundings and environment as they are, Pomeranians are seemingly equally unaware of their diminutive size.
Poms are ferociously loyal to their owners and consequently enjoy the rapt attention and constant love and affection provided by their grateful and appreciative owners. Unfortunately, their loyalty and ferocity can create division in a household as the dogs may exhibit these characteristics to only one person in the home, not the entire family.
Ironically, huskies possess a much more aggressive looking appearance and the physical attributes that would suggest they would be great watch dogs. However, they are sweet-tempered and seemingly have never meet stranger they did not like or want to get to know. They feed off socialization and interaction with other humans and creatures.
Temperament of the Pomsky
Where does that leave us with Pomsky temperaments and personalities?
As we have said repeatedly throughout this site, nobody can definitively define or describe the characteristics of a Pomsky with any certainty. Please be very wary of anyone who professes to you with great confidence and certitude how a Pomsky will look or behave.
You can be reasonably confident that a Pomsky will possess a high level of intelligence, be energetic, and bond with their families, and adjust to their social environment with relative ease.
Unlike a purebred husky that requires significant levels of exercise, it would seem fair to anticipate a Pomsky needing a daily walk or the opportunity to run around the backyard.
Some Pomeranians and young children do not play very well with each other. Thus, it is reasonable to think that some Pomskies may get a little snippy or short with toddlers or children in and out of the home who are loud, make sudden movements near the animal.
With all that said, most Pomsky owners report that their puppies are fantastic additions to their household and tend to bring an exuberance and cuddly playfulness into the mix that is often lacking with other smaller and larger dog breeds.
Make sure you read our growing list of breeder reviews to see what others are saying about the quality of the pomsky puppies they have been selling.