Reviews of Pomsky Puppy Breeders
If you have had any positive or negative experiences with a person offering Pomsky puppies for sale, we want to hear from you. Please drop us an email
How Big is a Full Grown Pomsky?
Without a doubt, the most common question ever asked about the Pomsky designer dog breed is “how big does a Pomsky get when it is full grown?
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Pomsky Quiz: Question #2
Answer: YES! This is Angel. According to a post over at Modern Dog Magazine where its owner submitted the picture, he is in fact a Pomsky.
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Pomsky Quiz: Question #4
Answer: YES! This is Shia. According to a post over at Modern Dog Magazine where its owner submitted the picture, he is in fact a Pomsky.
How to Take Care of a Dog
“Ten Golden Rules” Learn the ten golden rules of how to take care of a dog. Did you know dogs have physical, emotional, security, and socialization needs
What is the Personality and Temperament of a Pomsky?
Many prospective Pomsky owners would like to know what kind of personality and temperament their new puppy will have in their home. This is a very important question.
Pomsky Quiz Results
How Did You Do on the Quiz? I am really curious to know how you did on the quiz? Did you get them all right? Now, all of these dogs are supposedly Pomskies
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Pomsky Quiz: Question #3
Answer: YES! This is Rookie. According to a post over at Modern Dog Magazine where its owner submitted the picture, he is in fact a Pomsky.
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Pomsky Quiz: Question #7
Answer: YES! This is Rusty. According to a post over at Modern Dog Magazine where its owner submitted the picture, he is in fact a Pomsky.
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Pomsky Quiz: Question #5
Answer: YES! This is Laska. According to a post over at Modern Dog Magazine where its owner submitted the picture, he is in fact a Pomsky.